KEER-AAASSSH! Did Shaun's overloaded go-kart propel the Flock into . . . the past? A wry and rollicking new episode featuring the charming stars of Shaun the Sheep.
Shaun has a great idea! Take a wonky stroller wheel, an old car seat, a flimsy parachute, and other pieces of rubbish, and the Mossy Bottom Flyer is ready to go. But when the rest of the Flock leaps on and they all careen into a wall, Shaun can hardly believe what he sees: a yellow chick on the rooster perch, an old-fashioned horse cart trundling by, and the normally balding Farmer sporting red hair, a bushy beard . . . and an earring! What's more, the young Farmer is clueless, attempting to milk a bull ("Oooooo!") and shearing Shirley to look like a poodle. Clearly they've sped through the space-time vortex back to a time when the Farmer was just beginning to farm. But what if he gives up and the Flock never has a chance to exist? Can Shaun persuade the Flock to work night and day to keep the farm running—and get their go-kart back on the road?